Category: Style

What type of food do Iranians eat?

Iranian cuisine is a rich and diverse tapestry that reflects the country’s long history, cultural heritage, and geographic diversity. With influences from various regions and neighboring countries, Iranian food has developed a unique character that tantalizes the taste buds with its intricate flavors and enticing aromas. From traditional dishes to modern adaptations, Iranian cuisine offers a captivating culinary journey that continues to captivate people around the world. Historical and Cultural Influences     Over centuries, Iran has been a crossroads of civilizations, attracting travelers, traders, and conquerors. These interactions have significantly impacted the country’s culinary landscape. One notable mention is the use of beluga caviar, a delicacy derived from sturgeon roe, which has been historically enjoyed by the elites of Persia and beyond. This opulent ingredient found its way into Iranian cuisine, adding a touch of luxury to certain dishes.…

Bedroom: Ideas for furniture and décor

To a lot of people, their bedroom is the personal and reserved part of their house. It is that area in a home where a minimal number of people are allowed free entry. It is that one room where a homeowner can unwind and can reveal his or her real self without fear of being discovered or judged. A lot of homeowners concentrate their money and decorating skills on making their living room, dining, lounge, study, and any other place – except the bedroom, to look exquisite and welcoming. To me, every part of the room should be beautiful, but care and time should be concentrated in the bedroom. This is because it is the inner chamber of a home and the primary sleeping place in a house. Have you ever thought of using mudcloth pillow covers to bring a homely look to your bedroom?…